Sample Words of Comfort for Loss of Family Member

Comforting Words for Times of Death and Loss

Information technology'southward hard to find the correct words to say when someone yous know has suffered a loss. The concluding thing you want to do is crusade more than pain for a person who is grieving, just maxim anything is near ever meliorate than proverb nothing at all. Keep reading for a list of comforting words for the decease of a loved one, expressions that aren't every bit helpful as they seem, and means you can make life easier for a mourning person.

comforting words to grieving person comforting words to grieving person

Comforting Words to Say in Person

Whether you're carrying sympathy messages in a letter of the alphabet or in conversation, the bereaved will call up your presence and back up far more clearly than your actual words. Nonetheless, the right condolence statements can bring peace to a person who is hurting. Here are a few words to say in times of decease.

  • "I was so sad to hear virtually their passing." Knowing that their loved ones' death has affected others can condolement those in the midst of deep grief.
  • "The ceremony was beautiful." Talking about how the church looked or how well the eulogy went helps a suffering person to think about something other than their pain.
  • "Could I do [task] for you?" Finding small-scale ways to help the bereaved is always welcome. Don't ask what they want or need; their mind is elsewhere.
  • "I'm so sorry that you lot're going through this." Expressing sympathy for someone indelible the grief process tin can become a long manner.
  • "I'k thinking of your family during this difficult time." It'south uncomplicated and it's true.
  • "I recall when they …" Sharing memories of the deceased can mean a peachy deal. Sharing from the heart tin help grieving people reconnect with memories of good times.
  • "What I'll always remember about [the deceased person] is …" But like sharing memories is helpful, talking about positive qualities of a lost loved one can exist comforting.
  • "[Person] will be dearly missed." This phrase lets the bereaved know that they aren't alone in their grief, and that their loved 1 was of import to others.
  • "I know that you loved them so much." You'll never know the extent of their relationship, but expressing that their honey was clear to everyone can be a condolement.
  • "I'thou lamentable for your loss." This pocket-size phrase lets a grieving person know yous care. It sums up everything they need to hear from you in the clearest, most hands understood phrasing possible.
  • "I was glad to see [person] here." Speaking well of a third party who can offering moral support tin be an first-class idea. It's a powerful reminder that the bereaved aren't lone, and that people are open to them reaching out.
  • "I can't imagine how you must be feeling." It'south true, and it gives the grieving person room to feel nonetheless they experience.
  • "I'1000 hither for you." Whether they telephone call on you for assist or not, these elementary words reinforce how supported the bereaved feel.
  • "I loved [the deceased person] so much." Information technology'due south nice for a person in mourning to hear that their loved ones were loved past others.
  • "May their retention exist a approving." One day in the future, the bereaved will smile at the memories of their loved ones instead of crying.
  • "Words can't express how much [person] meant to me." When words fail, this is a good sentiment to permit the bereaved know that you really do care.
  • "I don't know what to say. I'g so sad." No one expects you to say the perfect thing in a difficult moment. Acknowledging that a loss is beyond words can be reinforcing for a grieving person.
  • Speak from the heart. If you're shut to the person, they merely need y'all to be authentic. Keep information technology simple and let your supportive actions speak louder than your words.

Comforting Words to Say in Writing

If you're not able to visit the bereaved in person, yous can ship a thoughtful menu or email to limited your sympathy. Near of the above sentiments tin can be used in a written bulletin, but hither are a few more that can bring comfort.

  • "Our thoughts and prayers are with you." This unproblematic argument doesn't go into much item, but lets the reader know you're thinking about them.
  • "Wishing you comfort, peace and strength in this difficult time." The grieving reader volition feel supported with only a few words.
  • "Deepest condolences for your loss." Sometimes expressing your sympathy for their pain is enough.
  • "My heart goes out to you during this time." Grieving people oftentimes feel alone in their bereavement, so knowing that you're thinking about them is comforting.
  • "May the love and support of your family unit and friends condolement you." If you can't be in that location in person, sending wishes of in-person support is a wonderful sentiment.
  • "We share in your sorrow and pray for your healing." Forming a community around a bereaved person can really help them in the coming weeks and months.
  • "I wish I could be there in person to give yous a hug." Until you tin can really be in that location for someone in person, wishing yous could be might have only the aforementioned meaning.
  • "My heartfelt sympathy." It's a beautiful and simple turn of phrase that conveys what many words tin can't.
  • "Remembering [the deceased person] with love today." Chances are, there take been many tears for the grieving person lately, and so knowing that their loved i brings addicted memories is a comforting thought.
  • "I was and then pitiful to hear of your loss." When all else fails, this standard answer rings truthful.
comforting words at the time of death

What Not to Say

Sometimes the most well-intentioned phrase tin can exist more painful than helpful. When finding the right words in time of death, call up that grief isn't something yous need to fix – it's a natural process that the bereaved must piece of work through. The following phrases are examples of what not to say to a grieving person.

  • "Don't cry." When you lot say, "Don't cry," a grieving person may feel similar you're pressuring them not to show their feelings, or to grieve in a way that's unnatural for them.
  • "You're so strong. I would exist broken if I were you." It sounds like a compliment, but the bereaved hear a completely different message: that they didn't love the departed plenty because they're still operation.
  • "Have you talked to …" Don't offer condolement in the grade of another person, specially a person of a faith to which the grieving person doesn't vest.
  • "I know how yous feel." If you've lost loved ones, you lot might remember you lot know exactly how a mourning person feels. Just you lot don't – because you're not them. The same goes for "You must be devastated."
  • "I call back when I lost my …" Like to the phrase above, this phrase shifts the focus from the grieving person to you. It's non the same situation, so don't say it.
  • "Information technology will get meliorate." Thinking about the future is overwhelming to a grieving person. Over time, as your loved one becomes more able to talk virtually their pain, this can be a useful sentiment. At the moment of grief, however, it'due south non helpful.
  • "What can I practise to help?" Don't brand a grieving person think of chores for you to do. Instead, notice a job and do information technology, or talk to others who can requite yous a task.
  • "The last fourth dimension I saw …" While sharing erstwhile memories tin be effective, recent memories are likewise close and raw to drop on a grieving person.
  • "Time heals all wounds." To a grieving person, this phrase can feel like the speaker is trying to rob the listener of the importance of their loss, or ignore it for their own condolement.
  • "How are yous?" This is a wonderful thing to ask in a few months, but not immediately after a loss. The answer is obvious: they're in hurting. Don't brand them reassure you that they're doing fine when they aren't.
  • "Everything happens for a reason." Depending on their faith, a grieving person may not hear that this painful loss is a part of a larger plan. Information technology can make them feel powerless and that their grief is invalid.
  • "This book/pic/spiritual practice really helped me go through a tough fourth dimension." Unless you know for sure that the grieving person would capeesh the volume, flick, spiritual practice, or advice you're most to give, it's not as beneficial as yous retrieve.
  • "At least [the deceased person] lived a long life." Even if the person was very sometime when they died, their loved ones would accept wanted more time with them. This phrase makes their loss sound less important than the death of a younger person.
  • "Accept care of yourself." Basic functions may seem impossible to a person who is mourning a loved one. Rather than remind them to exercise something that feels so hard, offering to assistance.
  • Anything petty or savage. It may seem obvious, just many people call back that funerals are the perfect place to say how they actually felt about the deceased person. Permit any grudges or disagreements go so you don't hurt or alienate their loved ones. If you tin can't, talk to a counselor or therapist.
  • Nothing. Pretending that the person never existed may be more than comfortable to you, and you may call up that you're making grieving people more than comfortable. Just in reality, it makes them experience similar their loved 1 has been forgotten.

Saying Cheerio After a Loss

Nobody really knows how to confront death or how to ease the path of people who are dealing with it. All anyone tin do is their best. Explore our words to say at a funeral for comforting remarks for a memorial service. You can besides scan these tips on writing an obituary to say merely the right thing about a loved i who has passed.


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